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Quentin Quaker
79 y old male
PC tummy pain and vomiting
HPC no bowel movements for 7 days
usually quite constipated
pain around the umbilicus
pain got worse in last 2-3 days
3 hours ago vomited dark, foul smelling contents
now feeling very unwell
PMH chronic constipation
CLL since 2005
benign prostate hypertrophy (has permanent catheter)
lost left arm in WW II
intermittent urinary tract infections (UTI)
DH lactulose and other laxatives
SH lives in sheltered accommodation
usually mobile with walking stick
keeps 12 cats at home
ex-smoker since 5 years (previously 40 years)
occasionally whiskey and Martini
FH brother – died in road traffic accident (RTA)
father – diabetes mellitus
mother – heart attack
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