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Norman Nailhead
68 y old male
PC burned right arm, hand and leg
HPC pot slipped when cooking
mashed potatoes
spilled contents over right hand, arm and leg
collapsed due to pain
unconscious for a few minutes
found by colleagues
started cooling burn with wet towels
now hand very painful
PMH fractured ankle 2007
coeliac disease
IHD (heart attack 2 years ago)
emphysema with chronic cough and dyspnoea
DH salbutamol spray
long term oxygen therapy
nicotine plaster
SH lives with wife and 4 children
3 cats at home
works as chef in restaurant
stopped smoking 2 weeks ago, previously 34 years
regular alcohol after work (2-3 glasses of wine)
FH mother – celiac disease
brother – meningioma
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