Oliver O’Hare
35 year old farmer
PC: weight loss and night sweats
HPC: lost 10 kg in 5 weeks
has drenching night sweats x2/ night for 1 months
dry cough appeared 3 weeks ago
no significant sputum, no haemoptysis
noticed inguinal, axillar and cervical lymph node swelling 3 weeks ago
recently some dysphagia and oral thrush
PMH: malaria in childhood (several times)
amoebic liver abscess
DHx: selective serotonine re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI)
was on tricyclic antidepressant but did not work
FHx: father died of TB
mother: sickle cell anaemia
brother: meningioma
SHx: Farmer in the Gambia
arrived in this country 18 months ago
at present unemployed
lives with wife and 4 children (all well)