Lucilla Ladbroke
45 year old hair dresser
PC: headache
HPC: gradual onset during last 3 days
yesterday N&V x3 (nausea and vomiting)
mild photophobia for 1 day, but now has difficulties focussing + double vision
pain mainly left parietal and frontal
similar episode 16 years ago while travelling to Scotland
no neck stiffness, no fever, no rash
PMH: occasionally migraine (usually quite mild)
? IgA deficiency – never caused problems
renal impairment due to right kidney stone
childhood eczema – now settled
mitral valve prolapse
DHx: paracetamol and ibuprofen for 3 days
occasionally sumatriptan for migraine
OTC (over the counter) vitamins and iron
FHx: daughter: infectious mononucleosis recently, had thymoma aged 3
father: myasthenia gravis
twin sister: acoustic nerve neuroma
SHx: lives with husband, 2 daughters and 3 parrots
smokes 7 cigarettes per day, occasionally alcohol
recently changed jobs to different employer