Ed Eton
55 year old builder
PC: chest tightness
HPC: lifting bricks this morning
sudden onset of chest tightness
tingling in jaw and left shoulder
SOB at rest during attack
nausea and sweating
tightness lasted 1h
no previous episodes
PMH: Basal cell carcinoma at left forehead 1995
Rheumatoid fever + arthritis in 1960s after sore throat (had “heart problems” then)
Road traffic accident 1990 (multiple fractures, ICU admission, MRSA sepsis)
IVDU 40 years ago
DHx: vitamin pills bd
St Johns Wart and Cod oil pills
Viagra prn (prn: pro re nata; when required)
had Tetracyclin recently for LRTI (lower respiratory tract infection)
Penicillin allergy
FHx: father: hyperlipidaemia
brother: hypercholesterolaemia
mother: cerebrovascular accident with left hemiparesis and dysarthria
grandfather: DM
SHx: lives with wife (married for 25 years) and 4 children
3 units alcohol/week
smokes 5 cigarettes / day
chews tobacco